Privacy Policies



Dear Employee/Collaborator/Customer/Supplier/Contractor/Visitor:

The company PRESH TECH S.A. S, as responsible for the processing of personal data in accordance with the provisions of Law 1581 of 2012 and Decree 1377 of 2013 on Personal Data Protection, hereby informs that the personal data previously provided by you or those that you come to provide in the future, are included in our databases so that the Company can develop the ordinary course of business related to its corporate purpose; comply with contractual and business obligations arising from the contractual and / or legal relationship with you; have an efficient communication with you or your authorized persons; comply with current legal provisions and other requirements issued by judicial, administrative and other public and private entities that require your information in the development of their legal and jurisdictional functions; to carry out statistical analyses and other internal studies; to provide information to you and to natural or legal persons authorized by you or by law, to record and control your entry, stay and exit from the facilities, including the use of surveillance videos, in accordance with the security policies established by the company, and, in general, for the other purposes set forth in the PRESH TECH S.A.S. Personal Data Protection Policy.

Therefore, PRESH TECH S.A.S. will collect, store, use and circulate your personal data to the natural or legal persons that provide services to this Company. It is important to keep in mind that as the Holder of this information, you have the option to answer questions about your sensitive personal data (privacy, racial or ethnic origin, political orientation, religious convictions, health, sexual life, biometric data, etc.), and you have the right to consult, update, rectify or request deletion of your personal data or revoke the authorization given to PRESH TECH S.A. S for the treatment of your personal data, at any time, by means of the respective request sent to the e-mail, by contacting the telephone number 6683030, option 1 customer service, or in writing addressed to Complejo Logístico El Pino, Autopista Medellín Km 2, 800 M Entrando por la vía parcelas – Bodega 1. Cota – Cundinamarca, to the attention of the Documentary Management Area, according to the Personal Data Protection Policies established by the Company, which are at your disposal at the address indicated above.